Friday, October 30, 2009

Garrin Soloman

I'm a's such an amazing thing. This little baby boy will soon be coming to me for advice on girls and I already know I'm gonna loose my mind. I'm so protective of him. The sweet baby smell puts me in a state of happiness that no one can touch. I took these pictures back in April when he was just 6 weeks old. Even though he and his family live half a country away I think of him everyday. I love you G Baby (that's the nick name I've given him hehe) ....can't wait to see you again.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Amanda Moore : Headshots

I'm one lucky girl. All of my friends are intelligent, beautiful and vivacious! Most of my friendships have been effortless. Happening without us even knowing, but always a perfect fit. Amanda is one of those girls. You know the type. The kind of girl that can command a room with her smile and personality. The kind of girl that could be awesomely dangers, but choses the sweet route. When Amanda asked me to take her first head-shots I was like lets do it! It was a first for me too. This was the first head-shots I've ever taken. We had a good time trying different angels and playing with facial expressions. Amanda girl you are on your way!

Make Up by: Erin Mouffet

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sneak Peak

There are a lot of photo sessions that I'm working on for the blog so I decided to give a little taste of what's to come. Hope you guys are enjoying my blog so far. Eat up this delicious eye candy :)

Dawn&William: Expecting

I haven't known Dawn for long, but she has been nothing but sweet. When Billy (my brother) introduced us I knew she had to be something special. Dawn is a natural in front of the camera. Anytime I photographer her she shines with little direction. When I found out she was expecting I jumped at the opportunity of doing another maternity session. I waited a little impatiently as the months went by. Note to self...... if I ask someone to take pictures when they're only 2 months I must be more patient :) Dawn thank you for being a good sport. Even when I had you standing in the middle of the street you were a pro. I hope to have more moms like you.

You can't even tell she's prego from this angle

Work it Dawn!!

Can't wait to see baby Stella in these shoes :)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Eat Your Heart Out

Eat Your Heart Out by Ashley Michelle is a long over due passion of hers that is finally coming true. She's come up with very creative and healthy pastries named as alter egos. Ashley has taken her love for baking and turned it into tasty confections no one has to feel guilty about. It started while baking with her grandmother and eventually for friends and immediately people started demanding more.  I'm serious about the demanding part..... there are a couple of people that refuse to talk to her about anything else (don't worry I wont name names). I'm proud to help introduce her goodies to the world. But enough of my babbling... I'll let her pastries do the talking.
                                                              Hellooo Adventurous Health Nut

If you'd like to see more mouth watering goodness by Ashley Michelle check out her blog

Lindsay&Cliff: Expecting

Lindsay Has been a very good friend of mine for a while now. We bonded during my last year on the dance team in school. And when I put together a fashion shot for year book I made sure she came along. I also invited a nice sophomore by the name of Cliff. Later that night they talked and you could tell that something was starting. Cliff gives me credit for bringing them together. I'm just grateful for their happiness. Last January I went home to attend Lindsay's baby shower and take her maternity pictures. Take a look at some of my favorite shots....

Lindsay you should get back into modeling ;)

The Payne Family: Expecting

After attending the workshop last year there was one thing everyone stressed. Making sure that we all took as many pictures as possible. I was anxious yet nervous about trying out the things I learned on everyday people. Don't get me wrong the people who modeled for us were great but how was I gonna get more people to let me take there picture? Around this time one of my coworkers was expecting. I shyly and quickly mentioned to Nicole that I was interested in taking her maternity pictures before going back to my desk one day. For some reason that's usually the hard part for me. Believe it or not most people don't want their picture taken...even if it's for free. I kinda expected Nicole to forget all about it but she didn't. As the months went on her stomach grew and she picked a date. We met at a Starbucks and Nicole and her Husband Barry followed me to Playa del Ray beach. Nicole was glowing and beautiful. And Barry was a good sport...especially when I had him talking to his wife's belly in front of strangers by the water. Thank you guys for being my first "clients". Thank you for trusting me to take pictures that you will keep for a lifetime :)

Creating Better Images

I've always been drawn to photography. I was always the kid with a plastic camera in my hand at family gatherings and reunions. I joined the news paper staff in high school just so I could use a professional camera. For years I freelanced in the fashion industry and lets just say it wasn't for me. Then one day I happened upon an industry that I was never aware of. I had no clue that there was an industry dedicated to creative fresh portraiture. Once I had a glimpse into this world I became obsessed. Daily on my lunch breaks I searched the internet for more inspiration to feed my curiosity.  Naturally I wanted to learn so I went in search for workshops. Luckily I was blessed to find a workshop being thrown by to lovely ladies, Jennifer Bowen and Kimberly Jarman. One year ago I attended the Creating Better Images workshop in Tempe Arizona( If you'd like to learn in a hands on environment with two very supportive and empowering photographers I'd start here. I know this is very late but thank you Kimberly and Jennifer! Your workshop helped me in more ways than you'd know. Check out some of these images I shot at their workshop. I was totally rusty and freaking out but it was a great experience.